D.R. Prithviraj1*, Rachana Srivastava1, Satyam Gaur1, Abhishekha Patil1, Sounder Raj K1 , Shruthi D.P2
Implant dentistry has evolved as the standard of care in past few decades. It has been benefiting the patients with predictable outcomes. Although higher success rates have been reported in the implant dentistry, there are several complications that do occur. Most of the complications can be minimized if the proper diagnosis and treatment plan is executed. The dentist should have a thorough knowledge regarding all the complications associated with dental implants, prevention strategies, and their management. Follow up after every 6 months has been advocated for the dental implant restorations. The patient should be informed about the anticipated complications and the probable outcome of the treatment. The purpose of this article is to describe the prosthodontic complications associated with dental implants and to discuss their prevention and management.Success of the dental implant has its own limitations.
Keywords: dental implants, mechanical complications, peri-implantitis, implant failure