How to Publish?

Simply visit Online Submission link on our home page and submit the contents.

Scope & Types of Books we publish

We publish books in diverse field related to Science & Technology.

For initial consideration the manuscript should not be less than 42 pages and not more than 620 pages.

Spacing of maximum 1.5 may be used. We recommend that the authors make sure that accept quality content which requires minimum or no editing & proofreading.

Submit Book Content

Please submit your work (a minimum of 42 pages) by email as a Word/PDF file ONLINE and we will get back to you to make the things work for you along with a copyright form.

Our editors shall review your work we will inform you as to whether we would like to move ahead with a publication and alert you of any suggested changes.

Thereafter authors will be required submit final manuscript and sign an author agreement.

The book shall normally be published once it is successfully peer reviewed.